Want the peace of mind that your home is as healthy as it can be?
Are the buildings you live and work in impacting your health? Not sure why you don’t feel as well in your home as you do outside? We are here to help you gain the knowledge you need to take action so you can have the peace of mind that your home is as healthy as it can be.
All homes and buildings have mold so the question isn’t, “have I have been exposed to mold?” It’s “have I been exposed to Toxigenic Mold?” Toxic mold exposure is becoming more widespread as our buildings get older and more water damaged.
A higher rate of headaches, coughing sneezing, sinus issues or trouble breathing can be symptoms of mold exposure. Other health signs include skin and eye irritation, sore throat, asthma and in some cases, death. If you have toxic mold in your home, you are in breathing hazardous Mycotoxins every day.
If you suspect the presence of mold in your home or building, it is best to take action now. It will continue to grow, health issues will likely worsen and the cost to remediate will continue to rise.
Start by having the Environmental Mold and Mycotoxin Assessment (EMMA) performed. With this one test, you can detect 10 of the most toxigenic molds and 16 of the most poisonous mycotoxins.
If the Environmental Mycotoxin Test is positive, consider having the individuals tested with the RTL Clinical Mycotoxin Test to determine if they are positive for the presence of the mycotoxins.
Mold has a reputation for often times affecting families, homes and health without even being noticed by the family. The symptoms are sometimes ignored or mistaken for other problems, especially since it often grows behind the wall/wallpaper, in the attic, in crawl spaces, and many other locations where families may not occupy. However, there are still many signs that can warn you that it may be in your home. Listed below, are 3 mold symptoms that you should not avoid.
Mold has an earthy, musty smell that is very unpleasant. If it is in your home, you will likely notice this smell. It’s usually stronger in a certain area(s) of your home. Don’t expect to always see the it in the room(s) that has the strongest odor, due to the fact that it can often grow behind the walls and underneath the carpet.
As there are more than 10,000 species of mold, the most common species have a cottony, velvety or leathery appearance and comes in white, gray, brown, black, yellow or green. Other visible symptoms include: foggy windows, discoloration of walls/wallpaper and discoloration of carpet.
Some people are sensitive to mold and have health reactions when exposed. The most common health symptom that it causes is allergy-like conditions. If you or any members in your family are experiencing a higher rate of headaches, coughing sneezing, sinus issues or trouble breathing, that can be mold symptoms. Other health signs include: skin / eye irritation, sore throat, asthma and in some cases, death.
If you believe that you have a mold problem in your home, it is best to take action now. It will continue to grow, health issues will likely worsen and the cost to remediate will continue to rise. Also remember that the safest and most sure way to remove it is to hire a remediation company.
Environmental Hazard Inspections
Environmental Hazards are naturally occurring substances that are harmful us as building/home owners and occupants. Toxic or high levels of any of these can lead to extreme short and long term health problems. Most homes and building experience some levels of all of these hazards and should be inspected.
Mold Testing
Confirming the presence of mold, the type of mold as well as the extent of the contamination is crucial for proper remediation. At RTL we never deal in guess work and validate all of our findings through an objective testing process.